The staff and other stakeholders who make corruption disclosures shall be guaranteed protection according to the national law. A person who takes detrimental action against another person for having made a corruption disclosure risks disciplinary action by the University. The staff who receives corruption disclosure has a responsibility to ensure that information that might identify the person making the disclosure is not known except in cases where;
- The informant consents in writing for the release of such information.
- The information is deemed to be necessary for investigating the case.
- It is essential according to the principles of natural justice that the information be disclosed to the person that the disclosure concerns.
It may be necessary to identify the person making the corruption disclosure if proceedings are commenced before a tribunal, court or an investigative committee. However, such identification should first be discussed with the informant. It should be noted that protection of the informant is not guaranteed if the corruption reporting is made;
- Frivolously or maliciously.
- To question the merits of the University policy.
- Is made in an attempt to avoid disciplinary action.