The Vice Chancellor Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda officially welcomed the first year students during the Matriculation ceremony. The students got an opportunity to meet key University officials among them the Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans of Schools and Directors.
The Vice - Chancellor, in his address, set the tone for the day by highlighting the significance of socializing and interacting with one another for this will help them grow mentally and socially. He added that students who feel that they have been placed in wrong bands have the chance to appeal as soon as possible before the deadlines and those who have not yet applied for the scholarships should do so.
“When you receive your upkeep money, please put it in good use. Make sure you first of all pay your house hold fees, then the rest you can invest in money market funds “said Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda.
He wished the first years a safe stay in SEKU as they join its philosophy “ARID TO GREEN……. TRANSFORMING LIVE