Call for development of murals competition
South Eastern Kenya University through the Gender Mainstreaming Unit has received support from the Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU) to implement a project on Engaging men staff and students to end sexual and gender-based violence in the South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) and beyond. One of the activities is to paint murals depicting how to stop sexual and gender-based violence and harassment in our universities. The murals will first be presented on a manila paper for ranking and the winner will be awarded. The best ranked mural will be painted on a wall at the gender corner. The Gender mainstreaming Unit is therefore calling on student artists to participate in this competition. Submissions together with contacts of the artist should be delivered to the Gender Mainstreaming Unit office by 25th October 2024. In case of clarifications please contact Dr Kiruki on 0722668840 or through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Call for development of custom-made play
South Eastern Kenya University through the Gender Mainstreaming Unit has received support from the Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU) to implement a project on Engaging men staff and students to end sexual and gender-based violence in the South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) and beyond. One of the activities is to develop and record a custom made paly by male university students on how to stop sexual and gender-based violence and harassment in our universities. The play will first be presented before judges for ranking and the winner will be awarded. The best play will be recorded and shared within the university electronic media. The Gender mainstreaming Unit is therefore calling on male student artists to participate in this competition. Male group of actors interested to participate should hand in their recorded 5-7 minutes play to the Gender Mainstreaming Unit office by 25th October 2024. In case of clarifications please contact Dr. Kiruki on 0722668840 or through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..