5th - 6th MAY, 2022
Theme: Socio-Economic Development in Africa in the 21st Century: Innovations, Constraints and Comparative Politics
Presenters of papers or posters should send an abstract of not more than 250 words in English, typed in Times New Roman, Font 12, spacing 1.5, margins 1 inch all sides, saved in compatibility mode (97-2003) and be received by 22nd April, 2022 through the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The abstract should highlight the objectives, contents and conclusions. It has to include the Title, author’s name, affiliation institution, email address, phone number and sub-theme.
The full papers for accepted abstracts should be submitted by 27th April, 2022. The full paper should be 3000 to 5000 words, typing just like abstract. Together with full paper attach power point presentation.
Empirical Papers: Cover page with Title of Paper, Details of the author(s), Abstract (250 words), Key Words (maximum of 8), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation, References.
Theoretical Papers/ Review Papers: Cover page with Title of Paper, Details of the author(s), Abstract (250 words), Key Words (maximum of 8), Introduction, Literature Review, Theoretical Analysis, Application, Conclusion, References.
Posters: Contain brief writ-up of description/ explanation
Referencing use APA style 7th edition; avoid footnotes. Avoid references in abstract.
Appendices: Should follow references and be identified by capital letters in alphabetical sequence.
CONFERENCE PRODUCTS: Reviewed papers will be published in a book as conference proceedings and the best papers will be considered for publication in the SEREK Journals: The Cradle of Knowledge African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research; and The Authentic Knowledge: African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Research. The best presentation in each category will be awarded certificate of excellence; and all participants will be awarded certificate of participation.
CONFERENCE FEES: - The fees will cover conference facilities, equipment, materials, mid-morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch. It DOES NOT include
S.No. |
Details |
Early Bird Registration by 22nd April, 2022 |
Late Registration after 22nd April, 2022 |
1 |
East Africans |
Kshs.6000 or US$70 |
Kshs.6500 or US$75 |
2 |
Non-East Africans |
US$ 100 |
US$130 |
3 |
East African Students |
Kshs 4000 or US$50 |
Kshs.4500 or US$55 |
4 |
Non-East African Students |
US$65 |
US$70 |
Those presenting papers and posters in the conference will register any extra item with Ksh.500 or US$ 6.0. Members who have renewed their membership within the calendar year will be entitle for 10% discount while a group of 5 and above members from the same institution will get 10% fees discount if they pay as a group. For details and updates keep checking in the website. NB: Download the conference registration form from the website, fill it and send to email provided.
Registration payments can be made directly to the conference bank accounts by electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Participants in Kenya can make deposits at the provided bank account, and make note: International Conference 2022. Participants from outside Kenya can pay in US dollars through the designated Bank.
Bank Details
Bank Name: Equity Bank Limited
Branch: Moi Avenue
Account Number: 0470299786254
Account Name: Society Educational Research and Evaluation in Kenya
Swift Code: EQBLKENA
Bank Branch Code: 047
Pay Bill No. 247247, Account No. 555551
Contact Conference Coordinator through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SEREK Secretary General through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Journal Editor through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For details visit website: